Seoul Medicine Market(서울약령시장), Folk Flea Market (서울풍물시장) Dapsimni Antique Market

2017. 6. 28. 16:35톰군/서울 주변 여행


ソウル薬令市場 & ソウル風物市場

Seoul Medicine Market(서울 약령시장)

Seoul Folk Flea Market (서울 풍물시장)

Dapsimni Antique Market (답십리 고미술상가)

Today's Walking tour is

Dapsimni Antique Market(답십리 고미술상가) -> Dongdaemun Ward Office(동대문 구청) -> Seoul Medicine Market(서울 약령시장) -> Seoul Folk Flea Market (서울 풍물시장) -> Dapsimni Antique Market (답십리 고미술상가)

I need to visit to Dongdaemun Ward office today so i was serching so that i was searching the Walking tour place near Ward Office.

동대문구청 문화관광 사이트 :  (english vision)

Can choose another language vision :  (please use chrome in google, it's more easy to use it)

Seoul Medicine Market(서울 약령시장)

There are many oriental medical center.

It's very popular for ginseng & red ginseng & jujube.

If you are interested in ginseng or tradition tea or Korean tradition medicine,

You may visit to here.

even have private museum in there.

You can see them without admission fee. 

(거창 박물관 : )

on the way to the market

Seoul Folk Flea Market (서울 풍물시장)

There are quite a lot of things in old and mordern times in the market.

Mailbox, old camera, record player, Mickey Mouse phone, handmade Italian furniture, improved Hanbok (Korean traditional costume)

and traditional tea & food market.

There is a food market so that you can eat after window shopping or buy something in there.

It's so cheap & generous mind in food court.

동대문 구민 및 소재 직장인, 학생은 KBS 전국노래자랑에 참가할 수 있대요.

6월 30일까지 서류 접수

예심은 7월 6일

송해 할아버지 만나뵙고 싶은 분들은 참가해봐요. ^^

You can hear songs from old radio. :)

Dapsimni Antique Market (답십리 고미술상가)

you can finally watch my travel video.

thank you for seeing & reading my walking travel.
